The birthday celebration of a Phokeng grandmother, Annah Diale, who turned 100 on 4 July 2024, has shown what caring for the older persons can achieve.


Diale’s birthday came in a week that left the country reeling in shock at the disturbing scenes of viral social media video of a grandson abusing his grandmother at the Western Cape.  On congratulating granny Diale on her milestone birthday, MEC for Social Development, Sussana Dantjie appreciated her family for the utmost care they have been giving the centenarian.  “This a rare sight and a moment to savour,” Dantjie says.  “Our department champions the wellbeing of older persons and we are proud to be with nkoko Diale on her special day.  “Our parents need to feel protected and cared for at all times.  I am highly impressed at the neatness of the yard and the house.  Nkoko Diale is in good hands.


This is a lesson to all of us to respect our parents so that we may have a longer life.  Dantjie who was mesmerised by the wit and humour of Diale, was happy that the old age grant of Diale was not abused.  “I guess most of us have been shocked by the video of a young man physically abusing her grandmother. Government takes a dim view of such violence and we are grateful that Diale, who is a provincial treasure, is well taken care of.  “Our stance on gender-based violence, misuse of social grants and any form of ill-treatment remains firm.”


Dantjie could not believe that Diale enjoys meat, still wash the dishes. She is indeed made of sterner stock, and the state of her house and family bears testament to her life principles.   “We wish you a good health, and dare I say, many more days,” Dantjie added.


Her caregiver who is also her daughter and a pensioner, Kgomotso Diale 65, said at the age of 100, her mother is able to speak fluently, dance and wash the dishes. She described her as the best cook who learned the ropes during her domestic work in Johannesburg. Diale family has been staying in Phokeng from long ago and are prone to longevity.


Though the spotlight was on the centenarian, other older persons around Phokeng, who came to share in the celebrations received food parcels. “We hope some of you will scale 100 years so that we return to celebrate you.  Your pearls of wisdom and character is our shining guide in our effort to build a society free of abuse, hunger and neglect.



For Enquiries:                               

Departmental Spokesperson – Petrus Siko

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Issued by the Department of Social Development

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